Gozerelin Indications
Treatment of metastatic prostate cancer - survival rates when using goserelin are comparable to those for surgical castration.
Treatment of locally advanced prostate cancer as an alternative to surgical castration - survival rates for goserelin are comparable to those for use with antiandrogens.
Adjuvant treatment for radiotherapy for patients with high-risk localized or locally advanced prostate cancer - goserelin shows higher survival without signs of relapse and higher overall survival.
Hypersensitivity to goserelin acetate or to other analogues of LH-RH (luteinizing hormone - releasing hormone).
Pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Children's age.
Dosage & Administration
Applicable only if the packet with the applicator syringe is intact.
Apply immediately after opening the bag.
Local anesthesia is allowed, but in most cases it is not needed.