Progesterone Indications
Progesterone is used for anovulatory uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, endocrine infertility, miscarriage, oligomenorrhea, algodismenoree (due to hypogonadism).
During pregnancy (before 36 weeks) Progesterone is used only when the threat of miscarriage.
Progesterone is contraindicated in cancer of genitals, breast cancer, hepatic dysfunction, thromboembolism, propensity to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis. Progesterone is also prohibited to use after 36 weeks of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, porphyria, as well as the state after an abortion. This drug is not used in children.
Do not use in women planning a pregnancy in the near future.
Progesterone passes into breast milk, so it is not used during lactation (breastfeeding).
Dosage & Aministration
This drug is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Before the introduction of the drug vial should be slightly warmed in a water bath (40 ° C). At loss of crystal vial must be heated until they are completely dissolving in a boiling water bath.
If bleeding associated with impaired ovarian function, is administered daily for 5-15 mg for six to eight days. If on the eve of the uterine curettage was carried out, the drug is used after 18-20 days. If we make a scraping impossible Progesterone is administered on a background of bleeding. This bleeding may temporarily worsen (three to five days). Patients with anemia is recommended in advance to do a blood transfusion. After stopping the bleeding therapy should be continued for another six days. If after eight days of treatment the bleeding has not stopped, the further use of progesterone inappropriate.
When amenorrhea and hypogonadism Progesterone is administered (immediately after use of estrogen) daily or 5 mg every other day to 10 mg for six to eight days.
For the prevention and treatment of threatened miscarriage, caused by failure of the corpus luteum function, progesterone is administered at 10-25 mg daily or every other day until complete elimination of the threat. In the case of habitual abortion Progesterone is administered prior to the fourth month of pregnancy.
When algodismenoree, dysmenorrhea progesterone begin in six to eight days before menstruation. Enter the drug daily for 5-10 mg for six to eight days. The course of treatment can be repeated.