Levomekol ® Ointment
- hemorrhoids, when there are areas of necrosis in the treatment of boils.
- any festering wounds, including infected mixed microflora, staphylococci, intestinal and pseudomonas sepsis.
Composition: 100 g of ointment contain: active substance (chloramphenicol - 0.75 g methyluracil - 4.0 g), and adjuvants (polyethylene oxide and polyethylene oxide 400 1500) - up to 100 g
Pharmacological properties:
Combined preparation for topical anti-inflammatory (dehydrating) and antimicrobial action, is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (staphylococcus, pseudomonas, and Escherichia coli). Easily penetrates deep into the tissue without damaging the biological membranes, it stimulates regeneration processes. Antibacterial effect persists in the presence of pus and necrotic masses.
Indications: Festering wounds infected with a mixed flora, in the first (necrotic) phase of wound healing process.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the drug.
Dosing and Administration: topically. The drug is impregnated with sterile gauze, which loosely fill wound. Possible introduction suppurative cavity through the catheter (drain tube) via syringe. In this case, the ointment is preheated to 35-36 ° C. Dressings are made daily, until complete wound cleansing from necrotic masses.
Side effect: chance of local allergic reactions.