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Dorzotymol (Dorzolamide, Timolol) eye drops 5ml Дорзотимол

Product sku: MD3474

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Quick Overview

Ophthalmic agent. Antiglaucoma drugs and miotics. Beta-adrenoceptor blockers


Dorzotymol Indications

Dorzothimol® is used to treat high intraocular pressure in patients with:

- open-angle glaucoma;

- pseudoexfoliative glaucoma;

as adjunctive therapy in treatment with beta-blockers or as monotherapy when treatment with beta-blockers has not been successful or beta-blockers are contraindicated.


Dorsotimol® drops are contraindicated for patients:

- with hypersensitivity to one or both active substances or to any of the excipients;

- with reactive airway disease, including bronchial asthma, and a history of bronchial asthma or with severe pulmonary disease obstruction;

- with sinus bradycardia, sinus node weakness syndrome, sinoatrial block, atrioventricular block II and III degree, not controlled by a pacemaker, severe heart failure, cardiogenic shock;


- with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance ˂30 ml / min) and hyperchloremic acidosis.

Dosage & Administration

In case of monotherapy, it is recommended to instill 1 drop of Dorsotimol® in the conjunctival sac of the affected eye twice a day. In the case of local application of several ophthalmic drugs need to take a break of 10 minutes.

Patients should be warned to wash their hands before use and not to pipette the eye and surrounding surfaces.

Patients should also be informed that if the eye drops are mishandled, these solutions may be contaminated with the bacteria that cause the eye infection. When using a contaminated solution, severe damage is possible with subsequent loss of vision.

Elderly patients

This dosage also applies to elderly patients.


The drug is not used in children.


The order of application.


Drip 1 drop into the medial corner of each eye. It is easy to press on the area of ​​the lacrimal sac immediately after instillation of the drops to reduce the possibility of systemic absorption of Dorsotimol®.

Краплі Дорзотимол® протипоказані хворим:

- з підвищеною чутливістю до однієї чи до обох активних речовин або до будь-якої допоміжної речовини;

- з реактивною хворобою дихальних шляхів, включаючи бронхіальну астму, і бронхіальною астмою в анамнезі або з тяжкою обструкцією легеневих захворювань;

- з синусовою брадикардією, синдромом слабкості синусового вузла, синоатріальним блоком, атріовентрикулярною блокадою II і III ступеня, що не контролюється кардіостимулятором, вираженою серцевою недостатністю, кардіогенним шоком;

- з тяжким порушенням функції нирок (кліренс креатиніну ˂30 мл/мин) і гіперхлоремічним ацидозом.

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